


I'm Jo Dora Webster, an auburn haired, blue eyed, southern belle hailing from the great city of Denver, CO USA. While I feel like a forty something that may be me trying to will time to stand still. In all truth, I'm glad that it doesn't since I kept my millenium resolution to transition as a transwoman on my original rebirthday July 6, 2000. I can trace my heritage to lowland Scotland and Ireland but I'm an American. I enjoy passing my time reading the latest romance, comedy or mystery from BCTS and getting outside for a weekend camping with my friends emulating a lady of the nobility in a world where chivalry is alive and well. I also enjoy my time as a Starfleet International member where I hold the fictional rank of Captain

I've been around BCTS for more than eleven years. What I think of as my first real story was 'What Would Jesus Do?' that my sister of choice, Sasha Zarya Nexus, published for me on BCTS and I published under the name 'Jesus and the Transwoman' on a christian website which was just getting started then and has since disappeared called Faithvine. However I also 23 years ago put one story, 'Beauty and the Vial' out on Usenet and it made its way to BCTS unknowingly since I wrote it under a pen name.

At present, posted on BCTS, I have seven novels and 1 novella started but one day they all will be complete. Four completed novels or novellas will be complete and posted to BCTS in 2020. I also have two short stories posted. I don't count the prequel and sequel to Beauty and the Vial: Tested since since I only published updated versions of chapters of a 20 year old short story which was sprung on me. I have a novella and a novel to be published , hopefully in September 2020. by Doppler Press, contributed for the support of BCTS.