Aliens and magic DO meet in this mixed-up adventure involving lots of changes to the small group of humans who encounter the survivors of a space ship crash. Changes of gender and even changes of species are possible when magical fantasy meets science fiction. Can a romantic triangle have more than three sides? Why not?!!
What will Gail do when her crush, Kevin,
stumbles on a device from the space pod cabinet?
Oops! forgot that this was a new recording so I should introduce myself. If you are sensing this recording then I’m guessing that you are not one of the aliens that are native to this planet they call Earth or Terra. I’m just a normal girl born on Ceti Alpha V. My real name is Glivney, but I go by Gail on Earth. I’m stranded here with my brother Linthan who goes by Leo on Earth.
Out of the multitude of items that survived in the storage locker, you would have thought that perhaps someone might have thought to bring along a couple of spare distress beacons. Unfortunately, No.
My native life form is like a pixie but Linthan would call himself Elven. Even if Earth were not xenophobic, my people’s tenets require us not to reveal our true form. We have armbands that use some kind of technology for others to perceive us as Earthlings. We had them on before we crashed so even Aunt Emma, who took us in, hasn’t seen us as we are really.
Author Information
About the Author:
Jo Dora Webster , pen name of Ariel Montine Strickland
The BCTS stories of Jo Dora Webster are available here: Jo Dora’s Exploring the Imposibilities. Jo Dora Webster, pen name of Ariel Montine Strickland has an author website at http://jodorawebster.com.
I’m an auburn haired, blue eyed, southern belle hailing from the great city of Denver, CO USA. While I feel like a forty something that may be me trying to will time to stand still. In all truth, I’m glad that it doesn’t since I kept my millenium resolution to transition as a transwoman on my original rebirthday July 6, 2000.
I can trace my heritage to lowland Scotland and Ireland but I’m an American. I enjoy passing my time reading the latest romance, comedy or mystery from http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf (BCTS) and getting outside for a weekend camping with my SCA friends emulating a lady of the nobility in a world where chivalry is alive and well. I also enjoy my time as a Starfleet International member where I hold the fictional rank of Captain
I’ve been around BCTS for more than twelve years. What I think of as my first real story was ‘What Would Jesus Do?’ that I published under the name ‘Jesus and the Transwoman’ on a christian website which was just getting started then and has since disappeared called Faithvine. However I also 23 years ago put one story, ‘Beauty and the Vial’ out on Usenet and it made its way to BCTS unknowingly since I wrote it under another pen name.
At present, I have ten novels started of which I’ve completed six all initially under my pen name, Jo Dora Webster. I also have three short stories written under the pen name Jo Dora Webster. .
Exploring the impossibilities,Jo Dora Webster
“That’s the thing about faith…if you don’t have it, you can’t understand it. If you do, no explanation is necessary.”
Star Trek: DS9 ‘Accession’
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