Greetings everyone!
As a writer you would think that writer’s block would be what I’m most worried about. But have you ever heard of reader’s block? That’s when a reader is blocked from continuing reading a serial because the next chapter isn’t out yet. You can either read an OG already completed novel at BCTS or buy a DopplerPress Amazon Kindle book which partially or totally supports BCTS and prevent “Reader’s Block” !
Speaking of novels published by Doppler Press as an Amazon Kindle E-book, my novel “Pretty Please!” is one with total proceeds going to support Big Closet Top Shelf, I’ve made a facebook page for my first DopplerPress book, Pretty Please at . If you are on facebook please like my book’s facebook page. If you are eligible please go to Pretty Please! Amazon sales page at and give it a rating. Every copy of Pretty Please! sold goes to support Big Closet Top Shelf and more reviews means more recommendations from Amazon and more sales. And you can find out about all my books (some of them are free!) at my website: .
Prevent “Reader’s Block!” Buy a DopplerPress novel (preferably mine) to support BCTS at Amazon Kindle today!