I’ve had a memorable day today. The first part of it was easy. I purchased a domain name, (jodorawebster.com) and easily mated it with a website from QnEZ.net. (QnEZ.net is the Website and VPN arm of Janglewood, LLC the parent company behind Big Closet Top Shelf{BCTS}). Piper helped me with a glitch and gave me detailed instructions on how to install WordPress on my shiny new website. Piper even helped me correct some mistakes that were mine alone. QnEZ stands for quick and easy which is how my website went up and functional with wordpress installed.
I wanted this new website to show off my newly published books, Pretty Please! published by DopplerPress for the benefit of BCTS. (All proceeds from my DopplerPress book sales go to supporting BCTS). Also to show off my self published book, New Meaning of Sugar and Spice, published under my legal name, Ariel Montine Strickland. (There is a BCTS advertisement for my book on the right hand side of BCTS’s frontpage.)
In order to do this, I wanted to shortcut to a professional looking website. I purchased from Digiseller their Book Author Word Press template. While it took me a while to remove the many Digiseller advertisements that the template installed on my webpage, I now am more fully educated on the back end of a wordpress website and especially one that uses the Book Author template.
While there is more details to add later on and plenty of room for growth, I wanted to put out the welcome sign for all to visit my website.
Please, if you have a chance to visit my books on Amazon, Leave a review. Amazon shows books with reviews to more people, so leaving a review is really helpful.
Finally, I want to give each of you who have bought my books or read them on Kindle Unlimited, a hearty thank you and a hug. You all have been so good to me and it has been my pleasure to bring you these stories.
Please leave me a message on this blog or PM me on BCTS if there is something about my website that I should add or improve.