Two stories, Dance Dance Dance: Full Moon and Beauty and the Vial: Tested were completed Sunday 17 Jul (MDT).
Dance Dance Dance was started on Stardust (Bob Arnold’s former TG story website) Using the same content management system as BCTS. Instead of writing it in chapters I resolved to use the edit in place feature to add to the story in place over time, That story experiment and Stardust both did not last. Erin saved Stardust’s Database (you can see it via the Wayback machine). I ported Dance Dance Dance to BCTS and instituted the traditional Novel via chapters posted approach. I decided that the original was too ambitious for just one novel, Telling the story of a lunar month one day at a time. Dance Dance Dance: Full Moon was born covering the first 14 days of the enchantment and ending at the New Moon with a major goal of the transformation accomplished.
Beauty and the Vial was a Usenet short story that I wrote under another penname even predating BCTS. Frank (A BCTS helper) found what he thought was an orphan story on Usenet and posted it to BCTS. I recognized it as my own work and claimed the story. The original had a TO BE CONTINUED ending so I originally tried to end it. I wasn’t satisfied with doing that but the Original Short Story and my Ending is preserved in my Story Catalog on BCTS. I resolved to completely rewrite the story and have eventually integrated it into the complete Novel: Beauty and the Vial: Tested .
I feel that this is a major accomplishment because both stories were Imported from earlier sources to BCTS in 2009. I thank my readers for sticking with me for this long and for the new readers that I have picked up along the way. I hope that you all have enjoyed the journey.